Sarah Rivera serves on our STEM Curriculum Development Team. She has earned a Masters in Education from John Carroll University and a Bachelor’s of Science in Biology and Chemistry from Lake Erie College. She has had numerous curriculum and development teaching experiences since 2011. In addition, she has received multiple honors and awards for her work and has presented at multiple national conferences including the Northeast Ohio Technology in Education Conference, Nearpod Summit, and NSTA National Conference.
When designing the The Guardians: A Name Change Explored STEM materials, Sarah approached the content with student driven learning in mind.
“What the students will experience is a combination of student-led learning experiences as well as deeper thinking into their role as participants in the community around them,” she explained.
Check out the video below to see how differentiation played a role in Sarah’s curriculum design and reserve your copy of The Guardians: A Name Change Explored STEM through tPt today.